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Saturday, December 8, 2012

A Golden Friday

It's Friday, and let's face it: This calls for a bit of gold!  Well, maybe lots of it.  ^_^

Outside Club Monaco

I've always admired the beautiful photos of the City of Lights found in Paris in Four Months, so taking inspiration from the lovely blogger, Carin, I took my (*ahem* brother's) DSLR camera for a spin outside the shop windows of Boston.  It's almost Christmas, so all the lovely windows are almost glittering with their beautiful decorations!  This haphazard photo of golden kitchenware is probably one of my favorites.  I'm pretty sure Midas would have used these in his kitchen.

Burberry's Festive Gift Balloons

And let's not forget the golden windows of Burberry.  I wouldn't mind having one of those balloons drop down on my doorstep with a prettily wrapped gift attached.  I love those bags!  I'm probably going to be taking my own Burberry bag with me on my next trip to Paris...  Yup, you heard right!  I'm going to Paris in the Spring!  How's that for a Golden Friday!  ^_^


  1. It looks like you're in the shopping spirit! This month's PFC should be right up your alley! I hope you join in!

    Petite Fashion Challenge #22

    1. Looks fun! But probably not so fun for my wallet. ^_^; Count me in!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
