Hello there,
I created this blog on January 1st, 2012. I specifically picked this day, because I wanted a fresh, new beginning. I wanted this blog to be a collection of all the things that I enjoy about my life and make me happy. There are a lot of things in the world that can make people feel upset, so I wanted some place that I can go to, where I know it will cheer me up. I don't know what the future holds. Perhaps, one day I will write something here that I may not like later on, but I will know that in that moment in time, I was once happy with it, and I want to remember that feeling. I don't anticipate a lot of people reading my blog, so I appreciate you coming here and reading this. I hope what I write here will make me happy, and if I have brought that joy to someone else as well, then that would make me even happier.
Happy Days 2012